Friday, June 1, 2012

Technology Tips (from a total non-techy)

Hi folks!

I just wanted to write up a little post with a few tips and reminders on the technology side of my photography. I need to state first and foremost I AM NOT A TECHY. I don't know how many times I have screamed and panicked at my computer in regards to some technical glitch on my photos. I can navigate my way through just about anything on the computer, but when it comes to formatting/color shifting/coding etc my brain shuts off. I got nothin.

That said, there are a few pretty BIG deals that I want to make sure ALL my clients make note of. (And honestly, even if you aren't MY client, I think some of this is good for ANY client who has professional photography done to take a read over....). That said, I speaking only on my own behalf, not of any other photographer.

Here we go....

*SAVING YOUR IMAGES- PLEASE make sure the very first thing you do when putting your cd into your computer is COPY THE IMAGES ONTO YOUR HARD DRIVE. Do not just leave the images on the cd. A CD can get broken, lost, etc. and then your images are GONE. How sad!!  I cannot promise to keep all of your images on my computer forever. Since I release the rights of the photos to you, you are responsible for you images. I have recently started offering professional prints so I will hang onto images for up to a year at this point in case clients chose to order prints, but even so...make sure YOU have the images on your computer as well. Because of the multitude of photos that I am taking, I cannot keep every image from every shoot on my takes up too much space. So, PLEASE remember to save them onto your computer!! Lost photos make me want to cry..... :(

*FACEBOOK- Facebook, I think, is one of the most beneficial tools for a modern day photographer. Its free, its easy, and everyone is on it! It truly is so great for us mommytogs. That said, Facebook is all about change. All. The. Time. Sometimes the changes are good, sometimes they make you want to scream! A few little tips for how to view/use/display your photos. First, always feel free to TAG yourselves in any of your photos I post. Also, you can SHARE the album on your wall. Simply click on the album and select SHARE POST on the top right corner of the post (you might have to hover for it to show up). Also, if you want to use one of the images as your profile or cover photo, do not save or download the image. If you are tagged in it, it will show up in your Photos and select the image from there. I highly recommend re uploading your image once you get the CD and save the images onto your computer. The picture quality will be much better. If you chose to upload photos onto your page, please add Jenna Luoto Photography in the caption, or tag my page on Facebook (if you can figure out how. Oh and if you do, can you let me know!!?!)

*PRINTING- As all of you should know, I have chosen for the time being to Copyright Release my images to Costco Photo Printing. There are too many photo printing companies out there that make the photos look TERRIBLE (see photo in post here). I am putting my name on those photos and I want them to express my talent and quality of work all the way to your wall. My preferred way of printing is through my chosen printing company, but I have a hard time transferring over to prints only. I really enjoy giving my clients the cd so they can have the images down the road, etc. So, please remember that if you are printing elsewhere, you are practicing copyright infringement. No Bueno:(

*HOW TO PRINT- If you chose to order through Costco and not through me, here are a few tips:
-When selecting photos from your computer, make sure to select the box that says FULL RESOLUTION (see photo). This will allow you to make enlargements and give you the highest quality print. Takes a little longer, but worth it.

***Also, a little note: For whatever reason, Costco Photo does not support iPhoto. Something in their wires crossing just doesn't mix (see how techy I am?). So, if iPhoto is your choice of photo importing, you will need to make sure you are copying the files from the cd onto your hard drive somewhere else instead for uploading to Costco. If not, your images will all show resolution warning. Any of my photos should never show that warning if you upload them through Full Resolution. The easiest way is to create a folder on your desktop, (or in your Pictures folder) and drag the images from your CD folder into the new folder).

*ALTERING IMAGES- Like I mentioned before, I really enjoy being able to give my clients the cd with images from their shoot for them to have and to hold. That said, I am releasing those EXACT images to you. Altering or further editing the images (other than cropping for prints) is adjusting the photos from the state that I released them to you. If you chose to print or post select images and would like them changed somehow (color to black and white, color to sepia, etc.) please contact me and I would be happy to adjust them and re edit them for you. NO charge!! Again, I want to make sure that the product you display is representing 100% of my work. (note: I cannot change a photo from BW to color.)

Thank you for taking the time to read through this boring post! It's one lame part of an otherwise incredibly fun and rewarding line of work! I am so appreciative of all my wonderufl clients and appreciate your support and respect!!

If you have any questions about anything I posted please feel free to contact me!


  1. Thanks Jenna! I do Have a question. When ordering through Costco I have noticed that there is an option to turn OFF the auto correct. I forgot to do so once and my prints looked 'different.' SInce you are a professional photographer I am assuming you do NOT need any further help autocorrecting your images from Costco! I was told by Costco that it is an automatic adjustment and if you do NOT want it you must turn it off every time you order your prints. The second time I ordered prints of your photos I did turn it off and the color was MUCH better.

    Do you recommend us turning off this autocorrect option or keeping it on!? Hope that isn't too confusing :)

    Thanks again, Erika Johnson

    1. Hey Erika!

      Thanks for sharing. I was not aware of that, I appreciate your heads up. Yes, I would definitely say to UNSELECT that option for auto correct. These images have already been edited so no further editing is needed. Im sorry you had that little glitch.


